If you are tired of that lower back pain that just keeps “popping up” at the worse moment, it’s time to attack it with BackATAK! I’ve heard many stories about treatments that just don’t work. The reasons most treatments don’t work or just give people temporary relief of their lower back pain is because the patient is not placed in control. They take a pills, get an adjustment, learn some exercises or worse they get a life altering surgery.
This program has been used on professional, Olympic and collegiate athletes such as the San Jose Sharks, San Francisco 49ers, Stanford Athletic and Santa Clara athletics. But more importantly BackATAK is designed to help anyone who has the desire to take control of their back pain.

“I was able to get back to the gym and transform myself after suffering from major back pain. Dr. Pellegrini’s BackATak program worked for me!”
- Keith Petkus

This program has been used on professional, Olympic and collegiate athletes such as the San Jose Sharks, San Francisco 49ers, Stanford Athletic and Santa Clara athletics.
How It Works

BackATAK systems allows the patient to take control by utilizing a sport medicine approach. This program is progressive as it starts with a level I training which is designed to allow patient understanding of body Kenetics (movement of the spine).

As the patient / client progresses through BackATAK training program they become more aware of their body mechanics and increased stability of the lumbar spine by way of specific modulated exercises. The patient may progress into level IV sport specific modulated exercise to protect their spine in the sport that they desire.

With this approach the patient or client becomes acutely aware of their environment and applies BackATAK technique to every facet of their life. They are now in the drivers seat and finally taking control of their back pain.

What our patients are saying
“Referral after referral brought me to Dr. Pellegrini and now I’m back to my exercise program pain free”
“Dr. Pellegrini is one of the greatest Chiropractors that helped me play the game at a high level”